Smooth Swinging: Warm up routine to maximize your golf game

A good warm up routine before a round of golf or a practice session can help your body to perform its best and reduce aches/pains. Follow these few exercises in the locker room, gym area, or on the range to help prepare your body for the demands of the golf swing.

Perform each of these for 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise, and repeat the routine 2-3 times, or until you feel your body warm up and feel looser.

While these pre round movements are great for most golfers, if you want a program customized to your personal physical limitations, give us a call and set up your golf mobility assessment!

  1. Seated Torso Rotation with Side Bending- Golf Club on back.

2. Posterior (back of your hip) Stretch

3. Thoracic (middle of your back) Rotations

4. Hip internal and external rotation


The Ultimate Warm-Up Routine for Runners